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Category Archives: General

Message from HeartMath Team

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Here is an uplifting photo of Boulder Creek Volunteer Fire Department (BCFD) firefighters that was posted on Facebook on the morning of August 24th after a light rain came in, which is very unusual for Boulder Creek in the summer, that allowed them to get ahead of the fire. They called this the BCFD "Rain Dance!"

Message from HeartMath Team

Both the HeartMath Institute and HeartMath LLC had to evacuate our office buildings and homes in the beautiful redwood mountains of Boulder Creek, California late in the evening on Tuesday, August 18th due to wildfires.

All HeartMath staff are safe and are sheltering with family, friends, in motels or temporary rental homes. Our buildings are still standing due to the heroic efforts of the firefighters. Yet, the fires are not out, and we so appreciate the continued outpouring of heart being sent from so many of you – our members, clients, certified professionals and all those we work with. We have received comments from around the world filled with love and care.

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workplace stress emwave pro-3 blog

Measuring Workplace Stress – In A New Way

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Measuring Workplace Stress – In A New Way

Researchers studying the effects of stress on employees undertook a new approach in their research to improve upon what they said may be outdated and obsolete tools for evaluating workplace stress. As a result, they said, some of their findings were "astonishing."

The researchers, Adrian Low of the Hong Kong Association of Psychology, and study advisor HeartMath Institute Director of Research Dr. Rollin McCraty, used HeartMath’s emWave® Pro Plus as a quantitative assessment tool for the study. (Click this link to read the entire study: Emerging Dynamics of Workplace Stress of Employees in a Large Organization in Hong Kong.)

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2018 Mexico Humanitarian Heart Award blog

2018 Humanitarian Heart Award Recipients Named

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2018 Humanitarian Heart Award Recipients Named

Thoughts from this year’s Humanitarian Heart Award recipients:

“I live everyday focused on others’ healing journey and living the quote from Albert Einstein "only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”

Steve Sawyer

“My most heartfelt wish for the planet is that we … fulfill our obligation to take care of the whole Earth, including plants, animals and the atmosphere, instead of just looking out for the next way to make a dollar.”

Ann Linda Baldwin

“… it’s the heart that one needs to be educated on, the heart that can bring emotions into alignment, the heart that will take your learning, your community’s learning, our planet’s learning to the next level and beyond.”

David P. Parisian
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Study Finds a Little Quick Coherence Good for College Students blog

Study Finds a Little Quick Coherence Good for College Students

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Study Finds a Little Quick Coherence Good for College Students

Editor’s note“Coherence is the state when the heart, mind and emotions are in energetic alignment and cooperation. It is a state that builds resiliency – personal energy is accumulated, not wasted, – leaving more energy to manifest intentions and harmonious outcomes.”

Dr. Rollin McCraty, HeartMath Institute

Know someone about to begin or continue college this fall? Naturally, you’ll want to offer encouragement and helpful advice for coping and succeeding in what is sure to be one of the more stressful ventures of his or her life. Think coherence. Even better, think quick coherence:

A newly published study assessing the efficacy of HeartMath’s Quick Coherence Technique® (QCT) found significant improvements in a group of students’ heart-coherence levels, as measured by heart rate variability (HRV). Study participants were undergraduates at the Universiti Putra Maylasia, in Pahang, Malaysia.

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Mexico Humanitarian Heart Awards 2017

From Milwaukee to Toronto to Guadalajara, Humanitarian Heart Care

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From Milwaukee to Toronto to Guadalajara, 2017 Humanitarian Heart Recipients Care

  • Long ago, a Wisconsin woman began helping trauma victims rebuild their lives: At one point, a pastor’s challenge changed her life.
  • A 5-year-old boy who loved to play sports at his Canadian elementary school in the 1940s began going to summer camp every year: By age 18, he dreamed of having his own summer camp one day.
  • A Northern California graduate in the humanities and arts fell in love with Mexico and its people more than three decades ago: Simultaneously, her heart cried and she prayed for path to help transform her adopted home.
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Tree Research Phase 2 with Sensor

Global Tree Monitoring Network

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Global Tree Monitoring Network

Tree Research Project: Phase 2

Something about trees. … a walk in the forest, the spiritual experience of planting a tree, settling down against just about any kind of tree with book in hand. Can these "other beings" sense how humans feel about them? Do trees feel and are they affected by our emotions?

When the HeartMath Research Center launched its tree research project last year, we asked the question, "Why are we so in awe of the old oak and the ancient redwood?" In 2017, we will further explore the mysteries of trees in Phase II of what is now called the Global Tree Monitoring Network. We will expand the number and types of trees and varieties we monitor.

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Humanitarian Heart Awards blog-white line

Humanitarian Heart Award Honors Good Works

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Humanitarian Heart Award Honors Good Works

Every day, there are compassionate and caring people around the world giving aid, comfort, shelter and hope to millions who are sick, impoverished, homeless, afraid and desperate. Mostly, their good works go unheralded. HeartMath Institute decided recently to recognize several who have been improving people’s lives for many years.

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